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New Generator to Keep Students Safe During Emergencies

Northwest Tech recently installed an emergency stand-by generator that will power the Student Union during power outages. Northwest Tech administrators say this generator will keep students, faculty, staff, and in some instances, community members safe in the event of a weather emergency.


Power is vital and losing electricity can be challenging in a rural community. Significant power failures can last from a few days to a few weeks depending on the cause and configuration of the blackout. Outages may happen without warning and cause issues in terms of inoperable businesses and mechanical failures. Having an emergency facility and backup generator will provide the college with an alternative shelter for students, and even community members, in the event a dire need arises.


Northwest Tech received a generous grant from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation to purchase the generator to ensure the Student Union will have power during an outage. Their support ensures the Student Union, which is equipped with a full kitchen, shelter space, and restrooms, can be used as a staging and rallying point for area emergency management professionals.


The Northwest Tech Emergency Standby Generator project will provide a readily accessible facility to students, faculty, and staff. If long-term assistance is needed, residents of Sherman County will have access to the facility before, during, and after times of major emergencies and/or disasters. Northwest Tech will maintain close coordination with local emergency response organizations on an ongoing basis to ensure any needs of the community can be met in a timely manner.