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Military Students

Fort Hays Tech | Northwest proudly supports students who have served the United States through military service! We are committed to helping military and veteran students take their first step into an exciting new civilian career. Most students attend using the benefits provided by the GI Bill®.

Silver Level Military Friendly® College

We are proud to have been designated as a Silver-Level Military Friendly College by Victory Media. This means our policies and procedures are created to help ease the transition for students from military life to civilian higher education. We value the experience and maturity military students bring to campus and to the classroom. You can read more about the award here.

Athletes of Valor

Fort Hays Tech | Northwest has formed a partnership with Athletes of Valor, an organization dedicated to helping service members transition into college after service and compete in college athletics. Fort Hays Tech | Northwest is the first technical or community college in the nation to form a partnership and currently the only college in Kansas. Read more about the partnership here.

8 Keys to Veterans' Success

Fort Hays Tech | Northwest is committed to the 8 Keys to Veterans' Success.

  • 1. Create a culture of trust and connectedness across the campus community to promote well-being and success for veterans.
  • 2. Ensure consistent and sustained support for veterans from campus leadership.
  • 3. Implement an early alert system to ensure all veterans receive academic, career, and financial advice before challenges become overwhelming.
  • 4. Coordinate and centralize campus efforts for all veterans, together with the creation of a designated space (even if limited in size).
  • 5. Collaborate with local communities and organizations, including government agencies, to align and coordinate various services for veterans.
  • 6. Utilize a uniform set of data tools to collect and track information on veterans, including demographics, retention, and degree completion.
  • 7. Provide comprehensive professional development for faculty and staff on issues and challenges unique to veterans.
  • 8. Develop systems that ensure the sustainability of effective practices for veterans.

If you are a military student considering attending Fort Hays Tech | Northwest, please be sure to get in touch with us. For more information about the college or military services, please contact our Admissions Office at 785.890.3641 or by emailing