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Career Services


Discover the Possibilities

At Fort Hays Tech | Northwest, career preparation begins long before graduation. Career Services assists’ students with resume and cover letter development, interview skills, and job search. In addition, you are advised of entry-level job openings and interview opportunities.

Job Placement


Fort Hays Tech | Northwest is proud that over 90% of its students either are successfully employed, continue their education, or join the military upon graduating. Career Services supports students in finding that perfect job and career. From one-on-one consulting with career services staff to on-campus Interview Days with industry leaders, each student will have the opportunity to develop a resume and prepare for an interview. Fort Hays Tech | Northwest strives to give every student the opportunity to succeed in the career of his or her choice.

When you enroll at Fort Hays Tech | Northwest, you make a decision that positively impacts your future. At Fort Hays Tech | Northwest, you will find a quick route to high quality education: excellent faculty and small classes, hands-on real world training and employment or continuing education preparation. Make your dream future a reality at Fort Hays Tech | Northwest.

In the end, education and finding the perfect career go hand in hand. Why not make it happen at Fort Hays Tech | Northwest today!