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Summer Online Classes Enrollment

Summer Online General Education Courses

Interested in taking a few general education courses or getting a jump start to your courses at Northwest Tech this summer? We offer a wide variety of transferable general studies courses that fulfill the core requirements for an associate’s degree.
English Composition, College Algebra, Anatomy & Physiology and Introduction to Business are just a few of the broad array of classes available.
What is being offered, when, and what is the cost?
If you’re curious what courses we will be offering this summer, the dates they start and end, and how much they will cost all you need to do is click the red box below! 




How do I enroll? 

You can complete the form below and our registrar's office will reach out to enroll you in classes! Simple as that. 

If you have any questions feel free to contact Admissions by emailing

Fill out my online form.